We look forward to seeing you in our salon


Opening Hours


Non-refundable booking fee

Please read the following before making your booking:

HAIR appointments

  • A deposit will be required by all new and existing clients to secure your hair appointments. This deposit will be credited to your service total on the day of your appointment.

Cancelling or rescheduling appointments

  • If you need to cancel or reschedule your appointment, please give a minimum of 24 hours notice of our scheduled appointment time.

  • Any cancellations made prior to 24 hours of your appointment time can be rescheduled and your deposit will be transferred to your new appointment time.

  • The rescheduled appointment must be made with in 4 weeks of your original appointment date, failing to do so will result in your deposit being non-refundable and another deposit will need to be paid when you reschedule your appointment.

  • If you arrive more than 15 minutes late to your scheduled appointment time, your appointment either will need to be adjusted to fit the time left available or your deposit will be non-refundable.

  • We ask that you reply to the reminder text message sent out 48 hours prior to your appointment. This will give you time to respond before the 24 hours notice to cancel or reschedule if needed. If we receive no reply we will take it as a NO and cancel your appointment within the 24 hours of your scheduled appointment time.